
Tuesday, 8 November 2011

My 2nd Blog!

Hello readers! How's life?

It's been a long time not writing here, hehe
I'm too busy doing silly things in my college, yeah because I'm silly
I hate my college and those-hell-assignments!

Okay, finally now I'm writing here again, yeah because tomorrow there's no campus life and no campus things 'till wednesday gyah!
I just want to announce you my 2nd blog aishART.
I will post my artworks there, and on this blog I think I will reveal you my unimportant and silly life.

If you feel annoyed here, you better shut up and go away!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

My Drawing (Vol.3)

Hi there!
I am very busy lately, and maybe for the next few days so damn!
Just want to share you this drawing

I drew Nana from After School, it only took around 3 hours to draw it, well, so what do you think about it?

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

a Wonder of Aisya

I love wandering around the internet, not only for checking my Facebook account or updating any Korean or Japanese entertainment news or searching info, or whatever, but also looking for some artworks made from anyone..

Well, there is a page on facebook which I liked, it is SWEET STREETS. Yesterday, I saw an article posted by SWEET STREETS on my Facebook news feed. It was an artwork, and then I was curious about the writing on that artwork. It's written "a Wonder of Aisya", wow, my name! Okay, I know, that is not really my name (my name is Aisha, but it is pronounced as Aisya).

The artwork is made by Chikuwaemil, you can check here to know about her.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Are you an artist?

Well, are you an artist?
Love making any artworks such as painting, photography and such?
Are you a professional or not or it's just a hobby?
Want to share your artworks to the world?

Okay, let's meet :

What is deviantART? You can find the answer here

Monday, 1 August 2011

Do you know AKB48?

Well, AKB48 is an all-female Japanese theater/idol group produced by Yasushi Akimoto. AKB48 is theater-based and has its own theater in Akihabara (a district in Tokyo). AKB48 currently holds the Guinness World Record for being the "Pop group with the greatest number of members".

AKB48 is divided into three teams: Team A, Team K and Team B. There are a total of 56 members as of April 9, 2011, with 16 members each in team A and K, 15 members in team B, and 9 members without team assignment, 8 of those promoted on December 8 and one on February 12, 2011. Minami Takahashi is the captain of Team A, as well as the de-facto leader of the entire group, Sayaka Akimoto is the captain of Team K, and Yuki Kashiwagi is the captain of Team B. (For more information just click).

Saturday, 16 July 2011

AKB48 Virtual Member, Eguchi Aimi~

Well, I think I'm not really up to date with AKB48 recent news, sorry readers..milkysmile
Yesterday, my friend told me that there is a member of AKB48 who is made by computer, she's not real or you can say it, she is fake, not human, whatever...

Wow, I couldn't believe it, so I browsed it on the internet. And yeah, there is..., my friend was right!milkysmile

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Midnight Circus, Riddle me, 어머!

Well, I changed my blog title again and also i redesigned it again. It's hard for me to find the most suitable one according to my style (I am an easily bored person anyway)

Okay, I chose "Midnight Circus" as the title because lately i am addicted to this song, yeah it is Sunny Hill's song. Actually, i didn't really know about this group (Sunny Hill I mean), and then i downloaded the song, i became addicted to this, finally i wanted to know more about this group and i searched it on the internet.

This is the link for you to know about them, please click!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Hello! Me again!

Akhirnya ada niat untuk nulis lagi di blog-ku yang semakin tak terurus ini, hehe..
Karena udah gak karuan, so I decided to re-design it, and I think it's better than the old one, well, what do you think?

Akhirnya libur juga dari semua kegiatan kuliah, tapi setelah 1-setengah minggu libur, kok bosan ya jadinya, maklum, kerjaan di rumah kalo gak tidur, ya nonton, kalo gak, nge-net, kalo bosan nge-net ya makan (mudah-mudahan aku akan kurus sebelum semester baru berlangsung

Thursday, 2 June 2011

My Drawing (Vol. 2)

Hi everyone!

Let me show you another picture of my drawings, here it is :

Saturday, 7 May 2011

•*¨*•.•*¨*• My Drawings (Vol. 1) •*¨*•.•*¨*•

Saya suka menggambar Photobucket, kalo lg bosan di kelas, pasti langsung nyoret-nyoret catatan..
Akhirnya, catatan saya yg gk rapi akan lebih berantakan lg dengan coretan saya...

Okay gk perlu basa-basi dah, langsung ja ya liat beberapa hasil karya yg sudah saya buat, enjoy! Photobucket

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

[Liputan Aisha] Pameran Aceh dalam Kartun di Banda Aceh (25 - 27 April 2011)

Okay, pameran ini diadakan dari tanggal 25 - 27 April 2011 (maaf baru bisa dipost sekarang, hehe). Pameran tepatnya diadakan di Gedung IT Centre (Bekas Garuda Teater), Banda Aceh. Ya, tentunya yang dipamerkan di sana karya-karya dari peserta yang telah mengirimkan karya kartunnya sesuai dengan tema Aceh dalam Kartun.

Mungkin ada yang bertanya mengapa saya menge-post perihal acara ini (kalo gk da yg nanya, ya so what?). Okelah, sebenarnya begini, saya juga ikut berpartisipasi dalam mengirimkan karya saya untuk dipamerkan (agak mw show-off ni ceritanya), dan alhamdulillah karya saya dipamerkan di sana (begitu tau akhirnya dipamerkan, langsung teriak2 gk jelas). Jujur, saya termasuk pemula dalam hal digital art, dan sepertinya teknik menggambar saya sedang-sedang saja, dan kurang yakin karya yang sudah saya kirim akan dipamerkan nantinya.



Ini bukan postingan pertama saya di blog ini (postingan laen yg dulu-dulu udah saya hapus), mungkin saya akan melakukan sedikit perubahan-perubahan, ya supaya blog saya nantinya bisa keliatan lebih bagus dan bermanfaat (menurut saya).

Okay, postingan berikutnya saya harap bisa lebih bermanfaat kepada para pembaca (dan tidak saya hapus lagi).

Sekian dan terima kasih milkysmile